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So just what excuses this

So, Just What Excuses This?

My attitude toward food is guided by a sense of reverence. Simply put I respect food. So the foods I select to eat are chosen with this sense of reverence and it's prime attribute moderation.

What follows are two short, highly personal, stories on reverence and moderation of food.

A few days ago I stumbled onto a small discarded picture frame near the dumpster at work. It was turned upside-down, tossed by who knows and curious I picked it up to see what, if anything, it...

food, opinions, social issues, controversial issues

My attitude toward food is guided by a sense of reverence. Simply put I respect food. So the foods I select to eat are chosen with this sense of reverence and it's prime attribute moderation.

What follows are two short, highly personal, stories on reverence and moderation of food.

A few days ago I stumbled onto a small discarded picture frame near the dumpster at work. It was turned upside-down, tossed by who knows and curious I picked it up to see what, if anything, it framed.

I discovered a profound statement.

In small pink needle point the statement declared "The human body Is Not A Garbage Can".

I took it home, cleaned it up and it now hangs on the wall of my office beside my desk--I see it and read every time I come in to work and I think about it often.

Like today. I thought about the framed declaration today when I read about Jennifer Strange, a 28 year old woman in Sacramento, California who drank herself to death with water. She had entered one of those truly irreverent contests where whoever drinks or eats the most wins.

She did not win.

According to the AP report in today's LA Times radio station KDND-FM (107.9) in Sacramento held a contest to see who could drink the most water without going to the bathroom. Like all of these contests it promoted an excessive, immoderate behaviour of dumping food into one's body as if it were a garbage can. This for the purposes of promoting the sponsor, in this case a radio station. The winner was to receive a Nintendo Wii. The contest was called "Hold Your Wee for a Wii".

The Sacramento County Coroner Ed Smith was quoted as saying death occurred by "water intoxication" know as "hyponatermia". She drank so much water it flushed out the sodium in her body and without sufficient levels of sodium you die.

It may sound trite but I wish the radio station promoters could have been so lucky as to have found my needle point declaration and set it with reverence on their office wall. Perhaps Jennifer Strange would have never been tempted to enter such a irreverent, immoderate and deadly contest because such a contest would have never happened.


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